Help Center

Contact Ionco

Dear users, please select the appropriate question you are facing and follow all the steps to fill in your information in the boxes in the contact form. Please submit your request to identify exactly the issues you are facing on this site and you will receive a response as soon as possible.

Feedback Ionco

If you have any complaints or ideas for the development of the Ionco site, please send feedback.

Security & Privacy of the Ionco user account

Would you like more help from the Ionco website for the security and privacy of your user account?

The Ionco website provides you with the necessary tools you need to use and in case of technical or security issues with your account please use them.

Other sources of information and help

For more information, post questions on the Ionco Product Forums and get information from users who use similar Products to yours.

Ionco Blog

Visit the Ionco Blog Communication Platform and post comments, ask questions to the community, and receive tips or suggestions from an administrator or users on the Blog.